統括マネージャー 兼 最高執行責任者

仁科 昌生

General MGR and Chief Operating Officer (COO)

仁科 昌生



After graduating from Keio University, he joined a major telecom company as a resident sales representative. As head of the field division at Underworks, a company specializing in digital consulting, he was responsible for driving digital transformation, creating digital marketing strategies, developing global governance strategies, and providing consulting services in a wide range of industries such as telecommunications, pharmaceuticals, logistics, consumer electronics and financial services. In 2019, he joined Mr. Kasuya, his former colleague, to manage FirstDigital Inc.


Projects in the last 5 years

  • グローバル通信会社︓グローバルwebガバナンス⽅針の策定、CMS要件定義/設計/プロジェクト管理

    Global telecommunications companies: Global web governance development, CMS requirement definition, design, project management

  • 医薬品メーカー︓イントラサイトの社内コミュニケーション戦略策定、CMS要件定義/設計

    Pharmaceutical manufacturer: Internal communication strategy development and CMS requirement definition, an intranet site design

  • 物流企業︓ webサイトリニューアル要件定義/設計、運用体制/業務フロー作成/ガイドライン策定

    Logistics company: Website renewal requirement definition, design, operation system, work flow creation, guideline development

  • 家電メーカー︓EC市場調査、EC活用⽅針定義、グローバルwebガバナンス⽅針の策定

    Consumer electronics manufacturer: EC market research, definition of the direction of EC use, the global web governance system development

  • 医療保険:デジタルマーケティング中期戦略策定(ポリシー定義、予算配分、ROI算出)

    Finance (insurance): Medium-term digital marketing strategy development (policy definition, budget allocation, ROI calculation)



